Display the nearest cities can help users access relevant local information, such as weather updates, news, events, or businesses in those cities. This information can be valuable for travelers or individuals looking for nearby services and amenities. In this tutorial, we demonstrate you on how to display the visitor’s […]
Importing IP2Location data into Oracle Database and querying with PHP (IPv4)
The aim of this guide is to demonstrate how to import IP2Location data (DB26) in CSV form into Oracle Database and then query the data in a PHP web page. Download commercial version at https://ip2location.com/download?code=DB26 Extract out the IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER-MOBILE-ELEVATION-USAGETYPE-ADDRESSTYPE-CATEGORY-DISTRICT-ASN.CSV file from the downloaded zipped file. Important Note We will not […]
How to import PX8 (IPv6) into MSSQL 2017
Intro This guide aims to demonstrate how to load the IP2Proxy PX8 (IPv6) CSV file into a Microsoft SQL Server 2017 table. If you’re using an earlier version of the SQL Server, you will need to refer to our FAQ page at https://www.ip2location.com/faqs/px8-ip-proxytype-country-region-city-isp-domain-usagetype-asn-lastseen#database for technical information about creating the table […]
How to import DB24 (IPv6) into MSSQL 2017
Intro This guide aims to demonstrate how to load data from the IP2Location DB24 (IPv6) CSV file into a Microsoft SQL Server 2017 table. If you’re using an earlier version of the SQL Server, you will need to refer to our FAQ page for technical information about creating the table and […]
Redirect URL with the Apache Web Server using IP2Location
Intro Apache is a popular open-source web server being used on both the Linux and Windows environments. In this article, we will demonstrate how to enable geolocation redirection in Apache via the IP2Location Apache Module for the Debian Linux environment. Pre-requisites We will assume that you have a functioning Apache […]
How to redirect visitor on Flask using IP2Location data
Introduction Flask is a lightweight web framework written in Python which makes it easy to develop a web application. Developers have the freedom to choose the libraries or tools they want to use. In addition, developers can utilize third party libraries to identify visitors location. From there, developers can set […]
Preventing click fraud
Intro Whenever you’re surfing the Internet, you can’t help but notice one thing. There are advertisements everywhere. They are a necessary part of the web ecosystem as they help to subsidize the costs of running the website or may even be the core revenue earner for the website operator. Quite […]
Detecting search engine bots
Intro Search engine bots are also known as crawlers, spiders, robots, etc. These are software designed to run on a large number of computers with the express purpose of crawling all of the pages on the Internet. They will read almost everything on the pages being crawled and also dive […]
Using Postman to call IP2Proxy Proxy Detection API
Intro Postman is a development tool you can use to test the calling of an API. We will demonstrate how to configure Postman with the IP2Proxy Proxy Detection API Swagger configuration to easily setup the request to the API. Pre-requisites First of all, you will need to download the […]
What is Teredo tunneling?
Intro We have previously covered briefly how an IPv4 network can communicate with an IPv6 network. One of the methods is via an IPv6 tunnel. The 2 types of commonly used tunnels are 6to4 and Teredo. In this article, we’ll discuss more about Teredo which is an IPv6 tunneling mechanism. […]