Intro The guide will demonstrate how to import IP2Proxy data (PX12) in CSV form into PostgreSQL and then query the data in a PHP page. First of all, you will need to download the IP2Proxy PX12 CSV file. Download commercial version at Extract out the IP2PROXY-IP-PROXYTYPE-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-ISP-DOMAIN-USAGETYPE-ASN-LASTSEEN-THREAT-RESIDENTIAL-PROVIDER-FRAUDSCORE.CSV file from the […]
Importing IP2Location data into PostgreSQL and querying with PHP (IPv6)
Intro The guide will demonstrate how to import IP2Location data (DB26 IPv6) in CSV form into PostgreSQL and then query the data in a PHP page. First of all, you will need to download the IP2Location DB26 IPv6 CSV file. Download commercial version at Extract out the IPV6-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER-MOBILE-ELEVATION-USAGETYPE-ADDRESSTYPE-CATEGORY-DISTRICT-ASN.CSV file […]
How to import PX8 (IPv4) into MSSQL 2017
Intro This guide aims to demonstrate how to load the IP2Proxy PX8 (IPv4) CSV file into a Microsoft SQL Server 2017 table. If you’re using an earlier version of the SQL Server, you will need to refer to our FAQ page at for technical information about creating the table […]
How to import DB24 (IPv4) into MSSQL 2017
Intro This guide aims to demonstrate how to load data from the IP2Location DB24 CSV file into a Microsoft SQL Server 2017 table. If you’re using an earlier version of the SQL Server, you will need to refer to our FAQ page at for technical information about creating the […]
How to automate downloading, unzipping & loading of IP2Proxy PX8 data into Linux MySQL (IPv6)
Here is a guide for users to fully automate the updating of their IP2Proxy PX8 IPv6 database. We will show how to download the IP2Proxy PX8 IPv6 CSV data from the web server and then unzip it before loading the data into a MySQL server on a Linux platform. We […]
How to automate downloading, unzipping & loading of IP2Location DB24 data into Linux MySQL (IPv6)
Here is a guide for users to fully automate the updating of their IP2Location DB24 IPv6 database. We will show how to download the IP2Location DB24 IPv6 CSV data from the web server and then unzip it before loading the data into a MySQL server on a Linux platform. We […]
Importing IP2Proxy data into Oracle Database and querying with PHP (IPv6)
The aim of this guide is to demonstrate how to import IP2Proxy data (PX12 IPv6) in CSV form into Oracle Database and then query the data in a PHP web page. Download commercial version at Extract out the IP2PROXY-IPV6-PROXYTYPE-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-ISP-DOMAIN-USAGETYPE-ASN-LASTSEEN-THREAT-RESIDENTIAL-PROVIDER-FRAUDSCORE.CSV file from the downloaded zipped file. Important Note We will […]
Importing IP2Proxy data into Oracle Database and querying with PHP (IPv4)
The aim of this guide is to demonstrate how to import IP2Proxy data (PX12) in CSV form into Oracle Database and then query the data in a PHP web page. Download commercial version at Extract out the IP2PROXY-IP-PROXYTYPE-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-ISP-DOMAIN-USAGETYPE-ASN-LASTSEEN-THREAT-RESIDENTIAL-PROVIDER-FRAUDSCORE.CSV file from the downloaded zipped file. Important Note We will not […]
Importing IP2Location data into Oracle Database and querying with PHP (IPv6)
The aim of this guide is to demonstrate how to import IP2Location data (DB26 IPv6) in CSV form into Oracle Database and then query the data in a PHP web page. Download commercial version at Extract out the IPV6-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER-MOBILE-ELEVATION-USAGETYPE-ADDRESSTYPE-CATEGORY-DISTRICT-ASN.CSV file from the downloaded zipped file. Important Note We will […]
Importing IP2Proxy data into SQLITE and querying with C# (IPv4)
Intro The aim of this guide is to demonstrate how to import IP2Proxy data (PX12) in CSV form into SQLITE and then query the data using C#. First of all, you will need to download the IP2Proxy PX12 CSV file. Download commercial version at Extract out the IP2PROXY-IP-PROXYTYPE-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-ISP-DOMAIN-USAGETYPE-ASN-LASTSEEN-THREAT-RESIDENTIAL-PROVIDER-FRAUDSCORE.CSV file […]