Geolocate Fail2Ban IP Using IP2Location

This tutorial will show you how to retrieve the geolocation information for the banned IP addresses reported inside the fail2ban log file. Depending on the IP2Location BIN data that you are using for the lookup, you could get very detailed information like below if you are using the IP2Location DB26 BIN […]

Converting IP address ranges into CIDR format

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate you on how to convert IP address ranges into CIDR format. What is CIDR CIDR, which stands for Classless Inter-Domain Routing, is a method used for efficiently allocating and routing IP addresses on the internet. It was introduced to overcome some limitations of the […]

Integrating IP2Location C Library With Go Programming Language

The aim of this guide is to demonstrate integrating the IP2Location C library within the Go programming language. In our example, we will be using the Linux environment. First of all, you will need to install the IP2Location C library. Follow the instructions at to install the IP2Location C library. Next, […]

Integrating IP2Location C Library With D Programming Language

The aim of this guide is to demonstrate integrating the IP2Location C library within the D programming language. In our example, we will be using the Linux environment. First of all, you will need to install the IP2Location C library. Follow the instructions at to install the IP2Location C library. Next, […]

Display Visitor’s GeoLocation Using Web Service in C#

Geolocation is a great way to put relevant content to your web visitors and it is a technology that can be used in almost any application you can think of. In this tutorial, we use the IP Geolocation API to lookup geolocation information from the visitor’s IP address. Instead […]

IP Address Lookup Caching Using ElastiCache Memcached

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to cache an IP2Location query with the help of Amazon Web Service ElastiCache. ElastiCache has 2 engines available for caching. The one we will be using is the memcached engine. For this demonstration, we will be running our PHP code on an AWS […]

IP address proxy lookup optimization For MySQL

In this tutorial, we will do a comparison between a standard IP range query vs a more optimized query. In this case, there may be gaps in the ranges with no data. For this comparison, we will use the IP2Proxy PX2 database to lookup proxy data from the visitor’s IP […]