Converting IP2Proxy data from IP number ranges to CIDR

The aim of this guide is to demonstrate how to convert the IP2Proxy data from IP number ranges to CIDR. First, download the IP2Proxy data file and extract out the IP2Proxy CSV data file.. Next, create a file called and paste the following Perl code into it. use strict; use […]

How to lookup IP location on Twitter

Notice: We regret to inform you that we are no longer support the IP2Location Twitter Bot. You can now lookup an IP location by tweeting a message to IP2Location Twitter account. There is no additional configuration required to use this service. By just mentioning us (@ip2location) with an IP address, […]

What is usage type

IP2Location groups IP addresses into 12 usage types based on the function of the organization/business unit. These usage type classifications are useful especially if you would like to filter certain ranges of IP addresses for your needs. For example, you could check the EDU IP address ranges if you want […]

Never run out of credit for web service call

We understand the frustration that you might face when your geo-location API call suddenly get suspended due to insufficient credit. Many reasons could lead to this happening, for example, you are too busy and have no time monitor the credits level, your website suddenly swamped with traffics, you may be […]

How to add additional notifications

IP2Location has now supported 3 additional notification methods, providing user more flexible ways to receive message of the updates and important events. In addition to the existing email notification, you can now opt for the SMS notification (for free) and Slack notification. Below are the summary of new notifications supported. […]